Too many small businesses have been misled by being told that JUST tossing on a commercial schedule constitutes an ad “campaign”.  Your business deserves a REAL, multi faceted campaign that includes spots, internet, live reads (including YOU or one of your team for in-studio interviews about your business or event!) and expertly crafted promotions that perfectly fit your business.  Reach your prospective customer on a more personal level than with just prerecorded commercials.

Lets have a quick chat to see if 94-9 The Bridge has the right program to help you grow your business!  Our trained and certified business growth professionals have aided hundreds of businesses, big and small, wade through the advertising jungle to find the right campaign to reach their growth goals.  92% of Americans listen to radio each week… by far, the media platform with more reach than any other!  Using the right strategies, you can reach this large audience in a very cost effective way.

You may have heard about some stations running super low discounts to get you on the air.  This results in businesses “kicking the tires” and trying out radio.  What we end up with is poorly thought out ad schedules AND a lot of extra clutter (other ads) on the air!  Your message could easily be lost as, for example, the 6th commercial in a 7 commercial break (not good!).  The Bridge has MUCH shorter breaks AND fewer of them… giving your message more value and making it stand out!

Many radio stations set aside up to 35% of their prime broadcast day to advertising… up to 70% of the newspaper is advertising… 1/3rd of TV and cable is advertising!  94-9 The Bridge is committed to having LESS CLUTTER (5-10%of our broadcast day), meaning your message won’t be lost among all the other spots on the air.


Call us today to explore your cost effective, business growth strategies… 503-738-8668.