Best of the Coast Vote could get you $250!


The Coast Weekend is, once again, rolling out their beauty contest for the best the North Coast has to offer in a massive number of categories.  The Bridge, humbly, comes to you looking for your vote! A thousand “thank yous” for your consideration!!

And, hey… let’s turn it into a contest! We’re not above buying your vote!  Take a screenshot of your vote for The Bridge, post it on Facebook, Instagram or X and make sure you tag The Bridge.  We’ll pull one of those posters and send em $250!  Because, that’s how democracy works, right?

Hey, while you’re there, drop a vote for the awesome people at:

Fishstix Seafood (Best Seafood Market), Cannon Beach Bakery (Best Bakery & Best Desserts), Light Waves Spa and Clothing Co. (Best Customer Service & Best Wellness), Astoria Co-Op or Grocery Outlet (Best Grocery Store), Brims Farm & Garden (Best Antiques & Best Garden Center), 1015 Theater (Best Theater Group).

Clicky HERE to log in your votes